Our Focus

Vibrational Medicine

Also known as energy medicine or info-ceuticals…… 


The use of dietary strategies specifically tested to your health goals….



A comprehensive library of therapeutic strategies….  


We are committed to sharing the information…. 

Come Visit Us

403 Rodney Road, Lange Park
Chaguanas, Trinidad & Tobago
Monday–Friday: 9:00am–6:30pm
(868) 665-8041

Featured Articles

Must haves for your holistic medicine cabinet

Medicine Cabinet

Top must have remedies for the holistic home medicine cabinet. These are also essentials for travelling to make sure you don’t get caught out when away from home and out of your comfort zone.

Let Us be Warriors, not Worriers

Warrior on horse

 Something that has permeated our souls in the past few months is, persistent, unwanted worry. It has infected almost every thought, and affected a large part of our daily lives.

Kintsukuroi : The art of making ourselves whole again


 During what we might consider, normal days, when our freedom of movement is not limited by this small virus with big implications, we go about our routines and these vulnerabilities are like the small cracks which are hardly apparent.

Natural Health Shop

At Ishtara Centre, our Natural Health Shop  provides easy access to our organic health foods, nutritional supplements, sunara essences and so much more. 

Sunara Technology


Sunara Essences


Nutritional Supplements


Our Facility


Relax and de-stress in the shade of our courtyard

Join Dr. Harry for sonara sound therapy

Have a Consultation with one of our Doctors

Dynamic Team of Doctors at Ishtara

Get In Touch!

(868) 665-8041

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